I just had the first official races. This was a big milestone in the Olympic project and I must say it was a rollercoaster of emotions from excitement to frustration and a lot of nervousness. I went to a new place and stayed at a stranger house to travel to the middle of nowhere to get a ride from another stranger to travel again to even deeper in the cold, to finally ski among actual professional skiers. Impressively, everything went smooth! 

Cross country skiing is definitely unique, it’s not only a test for the body, but it’s also a test for the patience, you need to be here for the long run, steadily making progress. Getting to meet, talk and (if I can even say bc I was too slow) ski with some of the best Norwegian skiers was mind-blowing and a humbling experience for this overly ambitious guy. 

Langrenn is like a big family and undoubtedly it is one of the best communities! The best example is @renehillestad who was the stranger that drove me to Finland, arranged my stay with his team and even fixed my skis with pro stuff!
He and @arntsentorgeir worked miracles to make me go fast! Only now do I understand the importance of the “back-office” at skiing, they literally work their asses off so we do what we like and enjoy the most! “We fix, you ski. Don’t worry” and damn did I have kick and glide. Hats off for them. 

This trip wouldn’t have been possible with a lot of help from a lot of people especially: @danielstock1 for the contact, Marisol for the stay, @eirikandreas1 for the skis, @tony_kristiansen_ and @jakobengenn for the driving and in general the @teamsnn and @teamelonnordnorge for the warm welcome and for the super cool people you all are. Of course @comomexico also have a special place for sponsoring me, check them out in your closest Meny to get real Mexican food! 

Now, back to Trondheim and ready to keep training and getting better, faster and stronger!
Happy skiing and the best or success in this season to all the fellow skiers out there! 

Sin miedo al éxito!